• First aid, health records, Physical Education (PE) medical excuses and all matters pertaining to student health are handled in the Health Office, located within Zion-Benton East's Main Office.

    Excuse Note:  Any student with a note from either a doctor or parent/guardian prohibiting participation in PE must present the excuse to the Health Office.  A parent/guardian note will be honored for no longer than three (3) days.

    Medication Procedures:  Parents/guardians are responsible for administering medication to their children.  Temporary or chronic prescription medications should be taken in accordance with the directions on the label.  Medications must remain in their specified containers with the directions remaining on the container.  These medications should be taken home with the student either at the end of the school day or at the end of the prescribed medication administration period.  Long-term medications/prescriptions will be secured in the Health Office until the end of the school year.

    Students are not allowed to possess ANY medication in the school at any time during the school day without the express knowledge and permission of the Health Office.  Medication Permission Forms (located in the Main Office) must be properly completed and signed by the physician administering the medication and the parent/guardian to keep prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in school for a prolonged period of time.

    Food Allergy Management Procedures:  Parents/guardians of students with food allergies must complete an Allergy History Form and School Medication Authorization Form (available in the Main Office) and return both to the Health Office.  Parents/guardians are to work cooperatively in filing an Individual Health Care Plan with the school that outlines the specific needs, including the precautions necessary for food allergen avoidance, emergency procedures, and treatments.  This same information should also be included within the 504 Plan of any student possessing this accommodation.

    Authorization to Provide Diabetic Care:  Parents/guardians of students with diabetes that require assistance with managing this condition while at school and school functions, must submit a Diabetes Care Plan to the Health Office.  Parents/guardians are responsible for, and must

    • Inform the school in a timely manner of any change that needs to be made to the Diabetes Care Plan on file with the school for their child.
    • Inform the school in a timely manner of any changes to their emergency and health care provider contact numbers.
    • Sign the Diabetes Care Plan.
    • Grant consent for and authorize designated School District representatives to communicate directly with the health care providers whose instructions are included in the Diabetes Care Plan.

    Exclusion:  Students who are excluded are restricted from school attendance because concerns exist for the health, safety, or welfare pertaining to the individual student.

Ms. McKenzie